Mt. Manalmon

Our group decided to go to Mt. Manalmon, a mountain with side trips such as caving, walk in cable wire, and ziplining. It is located in Bulacan. My hometown

Mt. Manalmon offer caving, ziplining, swimming, and you can go to other other side tru cable wire.

We arrive late in Bulacan, so we do a night trek, it is also a rainy day so the trek going to summit is a little dangerous because its slippy. Anyways we enjoy our trek even it is dark and scary. hehehe
on our way to summit
It is advisable to hire a tour guide for our trip. So we took a two guide, and we are so lucky that we choose them. They are kind and they take care all of us all the time.

This trip was so fun, I meet new friends, I try new things..overall I enjoyed hehehe
Just look at the pictures ha!!

Its a good day

holding a tru gun, and its heavy pala,
Those guns were own by those man at our back, they are military trainees
Inside the cave

This adventure is great , and I hope to take another cave adventure experience next time...


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