December 1st post

Hi guys, Lets welcome December.

Every one of us will be busy soon for th preparation of xmas. Hay after December, its 2013 na, its so pass. I'm already thinking what is waiting for me on 2013. Marrige? (i wish hahaha *-^), having a child? (im jelous when I saw my friend happy with thier baby :(, ). On 2013 am i have successful career? Thinking of working to other country..hmmm I need to make a new year resolution. hahaha...But but but, there's one thing for sure that will happen to me on 2013, and that is I will be going to hongkong excited, and of course I need to save money starting January for my pocket money.

Also, I wanna share that this December is my 1st year celebration for my first visit in Japan with tomo last 2011.

I wanna share this story with you, I am looking a gift for our xmas kringle, and one of the category is so hard for me to find, soft and curly daw, and take note food is not allowed.

So I asked for the opinion of tomo, and he send me this,
Me: what is this?
Tomo: soft and curly
Me: ha? how come? is it curly? hahaha...I dont think so pak


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